
Thrive Newsletter #44

It's nearly October and time for our yearly arts and mental health festival!

This issue feature everything you need to know about the great events happening across Edinburgh and Scotland from 4 October.

SMHAF continues to an incredible and inspiring festival which inspires, provokes and challenges. And remember it’s World Mental Health Day on 10 October.

We are also getting ready for our 4th annual Thrive Edinburgh conference on 25 October. Our theme this year is Curiosity and offers a chance for participants to find out more about the wide range of developments and activities happening across the city as part of Thrive. All of our 180 places were booked up very quickly and we have a waiting list so if you have booked a place but can no longer attend, please let us know as soon as you can so we can reallocate your place.

As always, please do get in touch with any news you’d like us to share – next newsletter will be out on 30 November -

Thrive Newsletter #44

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