
Thrive Edinburgh: A Progress Update

A Progress Update on Thrive Pillars and Workstreams

In our 2022 report we highlighted the enormous impact that the pandemic had on people from across communities and ages. This year we have seen further uncertainty with the cost-of-living and housing crisis, concern over our planet with global warming, and countries at war, just to mention a few. We know that these uncertainties can bring fear, anxiety, and elements of distrust into people’s lives. This is exacerbated if you are already living with a mental health illness. Our services and supports need to be designed and delivered in a way to be able respond to the needs of people when people encounter these uncertainties.

At Thrive Edinburgh we are proud to have built strong relationships with our partners, colleagues, and communities, and ensure that the voice, needs, and aspirations of people with lived and living experience, and carers are at the centre of what we do. We could not deliver what we do without you all so thank you.

This document sets out the aspirations of Thrive Edinburgh and what we have delivered against our Thrive Pillars and our Adult Health and Social Care Workstreams and Change Programmes in 2023.

We hope that this document provides a helpful overview and supplements our Thrive #4 Conference Curious! An Opportunity … report where 120 participants gathered on 24 November 2024 to explore the different programmes and activities we deliver. You can access the report here:

2023 Thrive Progress Report

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