
Thrive Briefing #39

We're back!

Hello and welcome to issue #39 of our Thrive Newsletter. It’s been a while since our last one. Hope this finds you all well and enjoying the summer.  Edinburgh certainly feels once more like Edinburgh in August – with the city  bustling and buzzing again with the  Festival. Likewise with Thrive - there is a lot going on Thrive wise across the city and we hope you find lots to connect with.  

Do please send us any articles and information you would like included.  We are getting back in to our monthly format so will be producing the next briefing in early September so please do send an email with any content by 31 August to

Thrive Newsletter #39

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Final report for the first exploratory systems change session

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Thrive Summit: Planning in difficult times!

Report from the recent Thrive Report

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Stakeholder Summit session being held in May

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