
Thrive Briefing #10

We're continuing to deliver our weekly Thrive briefings, this week is titled Reaching Out.

Thrive Edinburgh has zero tolerance for racism and does not tolerate racism of any kind. We're committed to creating a city where all people feel valued, included and able to be. We recognise and value the benefits that a diverse population with different values, beliefs and backgrounds have for our city.

This week's quote is:

If you believe in a cause be willing, be willing to stand up for that cause with a million people or by yourself.

Otis S. Johnson, From "N Word" to Mr. Mayor: Experiencing the American Dream

This week we take a look at making carers visible; the continuing work of the SMHAF; Gypsy Roma Traveller history month; and the valuable service that Aditi provides to Black, Asian and Minority Ethinic women, inclusive of trans women and non-binary people.

Also remember that you can submit your suggestions of places and spaces to our Thrive Line Page.

Stay safe and connected and do keep sending us your materials and ideas.

Thrive Briefing #10

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