
Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact Midsummer: Time to pause, plan and prioritise

The Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact took some time to reflect during Summer

The session highlighted both the recent Care inspectorate and the Social Work Inspection reports which many were aware of, the language of the reports and the ripple effect this has had across the EHSCP. There has been a period of change with Judith having left her role and Mike Massaro Mallinson now undertaking the Chief Officer role in the interim.

Stakeholders were asked, is this a real opportunity to implement change. As providers what would we like to see?

There had never previously been an early intervention and prevention strategy, but the Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board have now committed to develop this and Linda will be leading on this. Stakeholders were asked to share their thoughts on what this would look like to them.

You can read the full report below

EWP - Midsummer: A time to pause, plan and prioritise report

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