Thrive Edinburgh is a city where every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to her or his community. Our ability to thrive as human beings and as a city is closely tied to our mental health.
Since our inaugural conference in November 2019, Thrive has been working to implement our aspirations for Edinburgh alongside people who have committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of the citizens of Edinburgh.
In 2023 we held our third Thrive conference, Think, Talk, Act! It was chaired by the Lord Provost, Robert Aldridge. The day provided opportunity to come together to hear about, discuss and connect on work aligned with our 6 key workstreams – Change the Conversation, Change the Culture; Act Early; Partnering with Communities and using Data and Evidence to drive and create Change - and share future aspirations.
On 25 November 2023, we were delighted to welcome over 120 people, to the fourth Thrive Conference Curious where a range of committed and enthusiastic presenters and participants had the opportunity to find out more about the vast array of initiatives, programmes and activities that happen as part of Thrive Edinburgh.
Thank you to all who presented and attended, performed and participated – we are so looking forward to working with you to continue being curious and driving change.
You can read the full report below